A visual journal exploring the birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan by Teri Tynes

Questions for These Red-tailed Hawks Sitting in a Tree on March 25

On the afternoon of March 25, 2024, I was just setting out on a bird walk when I spotted these two Red-tailed Hawks perched high in a tulip tree in Inwood Hill Park. It was a pleasant spring day. School had let out, and teenagers were busy playing on the basketball and handball courts below the tree. Pedestrians were out strolling, and the guy that gathers and rearranges trash was sitting on a park bench trying to restrain a dog. There was a lot going on. 

Two Red-tailed Hawks. Inwood Hill Park near the W. 207th Street entrance. March 25, 2024. 3:23 p.m.

I have seen many Red-tailed Hawks throughout the park, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen two perched as close as these two. For all the world, they looked like two old friends sitting on a park bench on a nice day. One was older, I figure, with a developed red tail. The other was younger. They seemed very close, mimicking each other’s gestures. When one turned their head, the other turned. I just watched them there for a couple of minutes, but they seemed fascinated with the comings and going in the park below. At times, they seemed to engage in a casual silent conversation.

Two Red-tailed Hawks. March 25, 2024. 3:23 p.m.

I recognized them as well. I believe I first saw these two back in the fall when I saw them, on separate days, on a London Plane tree down at the Salt Marsh. After the first of the year, on January 4, I witnessed a hunting party of several hawks in which they may have taken part. I saw the one on the left in a different tulip tree on February 5 and even made a sketch of it. I have seen both fly around together on other occasions.

Two Red-tailed Hawks. March 25, 2024. 3:23 p.m.

Questions, so many questions. Not to pry into their privacy, but I would like to ask them about their relationship. Are you best friends, siblings, parent and child, or are you a couple? How often do Red-tailed Hawks just sit on a tree branch side by side and watch the world go by? Is this a dating situation? Were any squirrels present that I was not aware of? Where do you go at night? Do you sleep in the same tree?

Two Red-tailed Hawks. March 25, 2024. 3:23 p.m.

In the coming weeks, I will be sure to look out for them. If you see them, please let them know I have a few questions.

Cover: Two Red-tailed Hawks. Inwood Hill Park. March 25, 2024. 3:24 p.m.

Sightings March 2024 

Be sure to check the March Sightings page for pictures of new arrivals or the park regulars such as the Red-bellied Woodpecker in the early days of spring buds and foliage. Recent highlights include Northern Flickers, Golden-Crowned Kinglets and American Goldfinches developing summer colors.

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