A visual journal exploring the birds of Inwood and Northern Manhattan by Teri Tynes

A Vision of Waxwings

Sightings of Cedar Waxwings are often communicated in the sort of hushed yet excited tones often reserved for a sacred vision. When a flock of these atypical birds appears, the effect is seemingly miraculous. Cedar Waxwings will show up where berries may be plentiful, but they do not announce their unpredictable and infrequent arrivals in advance.

Cedar Waxwing. Inwood Hill Park near the Fort Cockhill site. November 27, 2023.

Nevertheless, according to recent social media reports, sightings of Cedar Waxwings have been noted lately in Central Park and in Fort Tryon Park just to the south of here. Twice this week, local birders told me of seeing a large flock near the Overlook at the top of Inwood Hill Park.

Cedar Waxwing. November 27, 2023

I naturally wanted to see Cedar Waxwings, too, so on Monday morning I embraced the spirit of pilgrimage and climbed up the steep path to the Overlook. Stopping at the top of the path, deciding the best path to the Overlook, a group of birds in nearby trees caught my interest.

Cedar Waxwing. November 27, 2023

And miracle of miracles, the Cedar Waxwings came to me. When you first see these birds, you somehow know they are Cedar Waxwings before you know they are Cedar Waxwings.

Two Cedar Waxwings.
Hard to discern at first, but there’s one in the shadows on the right side of the picture. November 27, 2023

It may be their dark masked eyes or their strange collective whistles, but they definitely project a mystique and an aura. I noted some of these qualities previously when I saw a flock in June down at the Salt Marsh.

Cedar Waxwings. November 27, 2023

With the leaf drop of late, I was able to observe their berry eating behavior. They seemed to relish the berries they were finding, and they looked organized enough to be sure that every bird had something to eat.

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2 responses to “A Vision of Waxwings”

  1. Susan McFeatters Avatar

    What a treat for you to see them.

    1. Such a treat! I was just hoping to see them and so thankful they were around.

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